PhD Candidate
I am interested in the structure and dynamics of food webs. By tracing the flow of energy through ecosystems, food webs can function as ecological maps. Further, they provide a means of quantifying ecological complexity, allowing us to compare qualitatively different types of ecosystems.
Current projects include:
1. Quantifying the impact of parasites and infectious diseases on the richness, topology and energetics of a tropical marine food web.
2. Examining the variation of a temperate sandy beach food web in space and time.
3. Exploring the impacts of system size and nutrient availability on tropical forest food webs.
4. Testing models of food web dynamics and stability with the experimental eradication of invasive rats on islands.
5. Biological control of Schistomiasis in East Africa
External Website/s:
(805) 893-3998
Mailing Address:
UCSB Marine Science Institute
Bldg 520 Rm 4002 Fl 4L
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
United States